Our News

Living History Festival at the Wardrobe 10th & 11th August 2024

We are reaching out to see if you can offer some support to the Wardrobe for our major fundraising event of the year. This year, on Saturday and Sunday 10th and 11th August we are holding our Living History Festival, with groups representing armed combat from Medieval times, through the Napoleon Period, the two World Wars and up to the modern day. Support Area 1 Can you spare a couple of hours over the weekend to come and help?  Last year this event went well, with over 1,500 people through the doors during the two days. This year we intend to do…
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Maiwand 2024

Maiwand 2024

From the Association Chairman I had the privilege to be asked to take the salute at Brock Barracks on Sunday. Of course I had to nip into Forbury Gardens to pay my respects to the Maiwand Lion and Col Galbraith’s men of the 66th, who made the ultimate sacrifice in 1880. An excellent event organised by Peter Richens and the organising committee. Special thanks must go to: The Band The Sea Cadets carrying Standards (& others) The ACF Platoon Last, but not least the Old Comrades who attended I was particularly pleased to see many faces from my past &…
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Golf Weekend Vacancy

Hi Guys. I help organise a small golfing society and we make an annual pilgrimage to Ashbury (near Oakhampton) at the end of summer/early autumn. This year our annual trip consists of 4 Rounds over 4 days with three nights full board (Dinner meal day 1 to breakfast day 4) 30th August - 2nd September. Cost £353.70. with shared accommodation. Unfortunately, the Ashbury cancellation policy is not favourable, and one of our players has advised me that his dog has just been diagnosed with cancer and the treatment planned makes it very unlikely that he can now take part. I…
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A request for some assistance – Can you spare 2 hours to help?

Dear All I am reaching out to all of you as stout supporters of the Wardrobe and our events (stout in terms of effort - not of girth!). Can you please distribute this widely on your networks? - and we hope you can support as individuals too. This year, on Saturday and Sunday 10th and 11th August we are holding our Living History Festival, with groups representing armed combat from Medieval times, through the Napoleon Period, the two World Wars and up to the modern day. Can you spare a couple of hours over the weekend to come and help?  Last year…
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Support Your Website

Support Your Website

For the past few years, this website has been financially supported by the same person and is now ready to share the cost with others. Now is your chance to get involved. Setting up and running a website costs money and is not cheap. With everything involved in producing the website the annual bill is more that £200. So, if you would like to make a donation and support your website then please click the PayPal button below. Your donation can be as much as you are prepared to give. You can either use "Stripe" to make you donation using…
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Sgt’s DERR Dinner Club 2024 Dinner

Sgt’s DERR Dinner Club 2024 Dinner

The 2024 annual dinner will be held at Leigh Park Country House Hotel, Bradford–on– Avon, on Friday the 18th October.The hotel has 22 x Standard rooms, 16 x Executive Rooms plus Single occupancy in a standard room. The price includes Dinner, Bed and Breakfast. Those wishing to make a weekend of it should confirm their booking first with the dinner club and then contact the hotel directly informing them that you will be attending this year’s dinner and arrange your extra nights. The hotel has promised to maintain our price for your extra nights. After the success of last year’s event,…
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Farmer’s boys Golf Society Summer Meet Erlstoke GC

Farmer’s boys Golf Society Summer Meet Erlstoke GC

Contact the Association Jon Marsh writes that, after an 11 year absence, the DERR Golf Society (The Farmers' Boys) returned to Erlstoke Golf Club near Westbury on 30 and 31 May for their Summer Meeting.  Many thanks to Farren Drury for liaising with the club and negotiating a very competitive rate and to Andy Fontana for organising the prizes.  The format was an informal warm-up on the afternoon of day 1 followed by the competitions for the Regimental Trophies the next day.  Please get in touch via the Association if you would like more information or would like to play in…
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Ex CSGT M Navarro – Obituary

Ex CSGT M Navarro – Obituary

Family, friends and Old Comrades gathered on 11 June at the Church of All Saints in Sutton Courtenay near Abingdon for the funeral of ex CSgt Miguel Navarro, known as Mike and/or 'Spanish' to his comrades during his service in the 1st Battalion The Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regiment (Berkshire and Wiltshire) (1 DERR). His son, Michael, gave a moving eulogy which not only captured the character of the soldier we all recall but also gave fulsome testimony to the very private, inspirational and loving husband, father and grandfather that was the other side of his life. Born in 1941,…
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Funeral Details For ExCSGT M Navarro

Funeral Details For ExCSGT M Navarro

The photographs below illustrate the location of car parking near to the Church of All Saints in Sutton Courtenay.  As you approach the Church from the South and arrive at the village green, you will see signs indicating right to "The Abbey" and "To The Car Park".  This will take you to the small car park in the second photograph.  The Church is a little further along The Green (photograph 3) and it may be possible to park at The George public house immediately North of the pub (photograph 4).  As a last resort it is possible to park along the B4016,…
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