The Farmers Boys Golf Society

The Farmers Boys Golf Society

The Farmersboys Golf Society This page is dedicated to the Farmersboys Golf Society. Check back here for news, information and photos from the society. If you have anything that you would like to be included here then please use the form at the bottom of the page to contact us. Broome Manor Golf Complex. A great day, excellent company, some good golf and a sound meal. Thanks to organisers John Marsh Andy Fontana and Gary ODoherty. The winners are - Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum…
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Sergeant’s Dinner Club

Sergeant’s Dinner Club

    We have just sent out the Minutes of the recent Sergeants DERR AGM via email.   It's too costly to send via post but if any member needs a copy sent that way or by other means let me know. What would be very helpful in maintaining contact would be up to date email addresses for the 121 members I don't have!!  If you were a member of the Sgts Mess DERR then please let me have your current email. If you know of anyone who has lost contact with the club then please encourage them to reach me…
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