LCpl Kevin John Pullin

Kevin joined the Army and the Regiment late in life having had a taste of Soldiering with the 4th Battalion Devon and Dorset Regiment (T.A.) By the time of his death he had served three years with the 1st Battalion Duke of Edinburgh’s Royal Regiment, and during that time he had served in ‘B’ Company, as a Rifleman, as a Mortarman with the Mortar Platoon and as a Physical Training Instructor. Kevin was the winner of the Battalion Cross Country running Championships ‘The Nines Cup’ in 1991and 1992 at Catterick. In 1993 he was selected for the Army Cross Country Team. Kevin’s fitness was outstanding and there were few in the Battalion who could match him, when laden with a pack few could march as fast as he could. One Company commander remembers having to pull rank on him to slow him down.

L/Cpl PULLIN who at the time of his death was serving in ‘C’ Company based at Crossmaglen was killed by a terrorist using a new large sniper rifle, the Barrett Light .50. The Company Commander, Maj P C TOMLINSON, recounted the events of that day: –

‘Despite two successful attacks the mortar threat remained high, and the I.R.A. seemed determined to inflict serious injury. We conducted a number of anti – mortar operations designed both to pre-empt further attack and to discover the places from which these attacks were launched. These operations involved the whole Company plus elements of Operations Company who conducted VCP tasks on the routes and approaches to the area of operations. One such operation was run on the 15th/16th July.

Nothing of significance was found, although there seemed to be genuine surprise amongst the locals at both the timing and scope of the operation. Whilst surprise had been achieved it became apparent that the operation had attracted the attention of known terrorists and associates who were seen observing troop movements, we felt vulnerable to a shoot. Such an attack had undoubtedly been prepared and the IRA were just looking for an opportunity target. Good patrolling skills had denied them the opportunity, however as a consequence I decided to minimize all patrol activity for the next day…..

A changeover from one of the observation towers to the south of XMG had been delayed by the anti-mortar operation. I approved a morning move into the SF base, but this would be the only planned activity for the day. The changeover patrol would be vulnerable to a shoot from the town and we there fore deployed a town patrol to deter such an attack. It was designed to support the incoming patrol over the last kilometre of its move in.

Lt MUSPRATT deployed with three teams on a short 15 – 20 minute town patrol. He moved out with his team and set up a snap VCP on the Carran road. No sooner had the patrol gone firm when a single shot was fired from the north of the town and L/Cpl PULLIN was hit as he took up his fire position in the doorway of a house. Despite magnificent efforts by Ptes PRICE and MEAD to keep him alive it was obvious that nothing could be done. L/Cpl PULLIN was evacuated by helicopter but pronounced dead on arrival at hospital. He had been hit by a .5 inch round.’

L/Cpl PULLIN was the last Duke of Edinburgh’s soldier to loose his life here, and the third to die in XMG, the previous two being Cpl WINDSOR and Pte ALLEN

In 1994 in Honour of Kevin’s achievements the Corporals mess donated a cup ‘The Lance Corporal Pullin Memorial Cup’ to be presented to the individual winner of the ‘Nines Cup’ That year it was presented to the Winner by Kevin’s father and mother.

(Source, Regimental Journal and Regimental History ‘Cold War Warrior’.

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