The Corps of Drums

The drum Major was and still is the visible presence of a Battalion on Parade. Up until the late 1960s 1 DERR did not have the ceremonial dress you see today. Depending on the Battalions role the Drummers were always operational soldiers within the Battalion. In the main they deployed as members of a Machine gun Platoon. The Drum Major is responsible for the day to day running and deployment of the Corps of Drums. In days of yore Drum Majors were responsible for administering and supervising any ‘Floggings’ required, although it must be said that flogging during the existence of 1 DERR was never used (Although I believe some Commanding Officers wish they could have used it) On the short parade stick and ceremonial mace used by Drum Majors today leather strips, cord or silver chain is entwined about the staff and is thought to be a reminder of his earlier duties as keeper of the cat-o-nine tails. The Mace itself is simply his symbol of office and originated from that which town Beadles (The forerunners of the Police) carried to deal with unruly mobs and, at the head of town processions, to clear the route.
What follows is a list of the 1st Battalion Duke of Edinburgh’s Royal Regiments Drum Majors in order of appointment. I must make it clear this list is not definitive as the records are less than complete. If any Ex member of the drums can assist in completing the picture, that help would be welcomed.
The Drum Majors, and the Officers who Commanded the Drums Platoon
- There is only one Drum Major in a battalion and only 12 individuals were officially appointed as DMaj of 1 DERR (and entitled to be referred to as `Drummy’), fewer than the number of individuals appointed as CO (16) and RSM (17). The 12 were as follows, with one appointed twice: (Where two ranks are shown the individual gained promotion during his tour as Drummy).

CSjt W E Choules 9th June 1959 until later that month

Sjt/CSjt A C Ford Late June 1959 – Summer 1966

Sgt/CSgt S D Cooper Summer 1966 – January 1969

Sgt W S Morris January 1969 – September 1970

CSgt/W02 P J Ferris R Hamps September 1970 – January 1973

CSgt RAG Coveney May 1973 – January 1975 (see note below)

Sgt/CSgt A Hobbs January 1975 – July 1976

Sgt J Choules July 1976 – March 1979

Sgt P J C Harrill April 1979 – September 1982

Sgt/CSgt R C J Tadhunter September 1982 – July 1985

Sgt M Davies July 1985 – July 1987

CSgt P J C Harrill September 1987 – August 1990 (2nd Appointment)

Sgt G D Smith September 1990 – June 1993
(Note. During the 3 month gap in 1973 WO2 A C Ford acted in an `officiating’ role as necessary while continuing in his posted employment in the QM’s Dept.)