Funeral Details For ExCSGT M Navarro
The photographs below illustrate the location of car parking near to the Church of All Saints in Sutton Courtenay. As you approach the Church from the South and arrive at the village green, you will see signs indicating right to “The Abbey” and “To The Car Park”. This will take you to the small car park in the second photograph. The Church is a little further along The Green (photograph 3) and it may be possible to park at The George public house immediately North of the pub (photograph 4). As a last resort it is possible to park along the B4016, the road through the village as there are no parking restrictions.
For those intending to join the family after the burial, Mr & Mrs Pawlyn (CSgt Navarro’s daughter) live at ‘Manderlay’, 5 Amey Close, Sutton Courtenay, OX14 4LW. Their home is at the North East corner of the village. Follow the B4016 North from the Church and then East just beyond the Culham junction. For anyone not attending the funeral who wishes to send their condolences, this is the address to which they should write.
Steven Bowkett
The Rifles and RGBW Regimental Association
Tel: 01367 240531
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