Data Protection Policy
Data Protection Policy
The Farmer’s Boys Website is committed to protecting the rights of individuals to privacy with regard to the processing of personal data
It is necessary forFarmer’s Boys Website to process personal data in the normal and proper conduct of business operations
Such processing will be conducted fairly and lawfully in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998
If you have a query regarding the accuracy of your personal data then your query will be dealt with fairly and impartially
General use of personal data
Farmer’s Boys Website holds data on: prospective, current and former members; prospective, current and former staff; other business and military contacts; and other individuals interested in Farmer’s Boys Website
This personal data is held in a variety of formats, electronic and manual
The processing of personal data is subject to the rules laid down under the Data Protection Act 1998. Your personal data will be used only for proper purposes that are considered by Farmer’s Boys Website to be for your benefit
For staff this will include (but not be restricted to) the conduct of normal business management
For other individuals this will include (but not be restricted to) the normal conduct of business relationships
The protection of your personal data will be governed by the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998. Access to your data will be restricted to those personnel to whom it is necessary for proper purposes
Farmer’s Boys Website will not sell your personal data to third parties. Your personal data will only be transferred to third parties where this is for proper purposes related to academic and business matters, for example where this is required by professional bodies or where it is necessary for the delivery of services by third parties to you
The principles of data protection
There are eight Data Protection principles set out under the Act. In summary they are that personal data should be:
Obtained and processed fairly and lawfully
Held and used only for specified purposes
Adequate, relevant and not excessive
Accurate and kept up to date
Kept only for as long as is necessary
Processed according to the Act
Held securely
Held within the European Economic Area
Will adhere to these principles and the guidelines set out by the Information Commissioner.
Farmer’s Boys Website seeks to use your personal data only for the purposes of legitimate interests and, where practicable, with your consent
For members, it is a condition of acceptance onto the website that you consent to Farmer’s Boys Website processing your personal data. By registering, you signify your agreement
For staff, it is a condition of employment that you consent to the Farmer’s Boys Website processing your personal data. By applying you signify your agreement
For other individuals, the Farmer’s Boys Website may gather your data during the course of normal academic and business activities. It will be used only for legitimate interests
You have the right to know what personal data the Farmer’s Boys Website holds about you and for this to be correct. Procedures for the management of personal data are in place and enquiries may be made as set out below
Sensitive personal data
Sensitive personal data is defined under the Act to include such matters as personal beliefs and health. If Farmer’s Boys Website holds Sensitive Personal Data about you then this will only be disclosed with your explicit consent or if required by law
Accessing your personal data
You have the right to see the personal data that The Farmer’s Boys Website holds about you and for that data to be corrected if it is incorrect
Minor requests about your personal data may be dealt with informally in the course of normal administration, at the sole discretion of the Farmer’s Boys Website. In the first instance, you should contact Farmer’s Boys Website
If you wish to make a formal request for access to your personal data then this should be made in writing to the Farmer’s Boys Website. There is a fee of £10 which must be paid in advance