
  • We are reaching out to see if you can offer some support to the Wardrobe for our major fundraising event of the year. This year, on Saturday and Sunday 10th and 11th August we are holding our Living History Festival, with groups representing armed combat from Medieval times, through the Napoleon Period, the two World Wars and… Read […]
  • Numbers of Association members applying to take part in this year’s Remembrance Day at the Cenotaph in Whitehall, London are very much down on previous years.  Members who would like to join the Association contingent marching this year are requested to inform the Secretary as soon as possible via email .
  • Following the funeral of CSgt Navarro on 11 June, his daughter, Gianinna, has written to say how grateful his widow Iris and the family are to his former comrades for attending his funeral and to apologise to anyone who they failed to speak to.  With that in mind, the family would love to get together… Read […]
  • Mr Nicholas Patten has informed the Association that his father, John Walter Patten (22467486), died at The Royal Gloucestershire Hospital on 14 April this year. After completing his National Service basic training at Plymouth, John served in the 1st Battalion, The Royal Berkshire Regiment from 1951 -1953, serving initially in Eritrea before moving to the… Read […]
  • I had the privilege to be asked to take the salute at Brock Barracks on Sunday. Of course I had to nip into Forbury Gardens to pay my respects to the Maiwand Lion and Col Galbraith’s men of the 66th, who made the ultimate sacrifice in 1880. An excellent event organised by Peter Richens and… Read […]