Latest News from The Regimental Association

  • by The Webmaster Webbie
    Dave King, formerly a Bandsman in the Wiltshire Regiment, has completed his last parade.  Dave died at home on the Isle of Wight on 25 August 2025 having reached 87 […]
  • by The Webmaster Webbie
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  • by Martin Talling
    Service Notice: I am pleased to announce that a military bugler and two standard bearers have been found to attend the funeral previously announced of Marc Stannard, formerly of the Royal […]
  • by Martin Talling
    No More Parades/Service Notice: It is my sad duty to inform you of the passing of Marc Stannard, formerly of the Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire, Wiltshire Regiment on the 12th of August […]
  • by The Webmaster Webbie
    The annual Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph on Whitehall in London, organised by The Royal British Legion, will be held on Sunday 10 November this year.  The Association normally […]
  • by The Webmaster Webbie
    We are delighted to announce that all Riflemen now have free access to Leafyard. Leafyard is a mental fitness app designed to help you take charge of your thoughts, build […]
  • by The Webmaster Webbie
    The new Gloucestershire Regiment Memorial is due to be unveiled by HRH The Duke of Gloucester at The National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire on Wednesday 25 September.  Those attending are […]
  • by The Webmaster Webbie
    Captain Len Keeling has been shortlisted by the BBC Hereford & Worcester local radio as a finalist in the Volunteer Category of the BBC Make a Difference Awards 2024.  The […]
  • by The Webmaster Webbie
    Jane Ellis has informed the Association that her father, Brian Ellis, of Huccaby, Cheltenham, who did his National Service in The Wiltshire Regiment, died on 26 July 2024.  He leaves […]
  • by The Webmaster Webbie
    The Association has been informed by his son-in-law, that Colonel David Jones, late DERR, died aged 87 years on 13 June.  A Service of Thanksgiving was held at the Church […]